
State Federal Agency for cultivation and processing of Bast Fibers “Agency “Flax”: cooperation to develop and introduce technologies of bast fiber processing and fiber refinery technologies.

Diploma of XIX Moscow International Salon of Innovations for @Best innovation in favor of Ministry of Defense”.

Federal State R&D Institute of Chemistry of solutions: development and introduction of technologies for alfa-cellulose processing from bast fibers.

Federal State R&D Institute of Chemical Machinery: introduction of technologies for flax cellulose processing as a replacer for cotton cellulose in processing of nitrocellulose.

Ekspo-KR ltd.: introduction of technologies for cellulose processing from bast fiber.

Federal State R&D Institute of Bast Fibers: selection of new sorts of flax with increased cellulose content in plant’s fiber.

Russian State textile University named after A.N.Kosygin, Eco-laboratory: introduction of technologies for non-woven materials processing from bleached flax fiber.




WIPOGandPrix granted on International exhibition of innovations «INPEX-2017» in Pittsburg, USA, for best innovation to produce alfa-cellulose from bast fiber.